
KirstiConsort, an international ensemble founded in October 2015 focuses on music composed by female composers of the baroque and classical era. Through the performance of this music, KirstiConsort endeavors to show the appreciation that they deserve, which was mostly not received in their lifetime. These composers had very diverse backgrounds, but they all wrote music in a time where not many women had the chance to do so. This great diversity is reflected in their music, which ranges from sacred motets to exciting sonatas and dramatic love songs.
The importance of the rhetorical aspects, the delivery of the text, and the different affects and passions of each piece are central to KirstiConsort’s performances.
In May 2016 KirstiConsort received the audience award of the Fontys Chamber Music Contest in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The ensemble has performed in various venues and concert series in the Netherlands and in Belgium, including Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, the concert series of Catharijn Classique, Zaterdagmiddagmuziek in de Stevens in Nijmegen, at Oosterkerk in Amsterdam and at Koepelkerk van Arnhem. In February 2023 KirstiConsort made its debut in Luxembourg performing in the concert series of Château de Bourglinster.
Margaret of Austria: Se je souspire / Ecce iterum
Kirsti Apajalahti, baroque violin
Anna Vala Ólafsdóttir, contralto
Elianne Ardts, baroque cello
Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre: Amour, que sous tes lois cruelles
Kirsti Apajalahti, baroque violin
Anna Vala Ólafsdóttir, contralto
Elianne Ardts, baroque cello
Tim Veldman, harpsichord
Camilla de Rossi: Non senti ch'il core
Fra Dori e Fileno
Kat Carson, soprano
Anna Vala Ólafsdóttir, contralto
Kirsti Apajalahti, violin
Nino Natroshvili, violin
Elianne Ardts, cello
Ondřej Bernovský , harpsichord